Sunday, July 11, 2010

I'm back!

It has been ages since the last time I posted. Seriously, but I don't have anything that is superbly interesting in my life so my thought- be lazy. Enough of that.

Summer is here! And summer program is here as well.. my first thought, Oh joy! (I'm being utterly sarcastic.) But it is more relaxing that the regular school year so I shouldn't complain too much. The kids that were not in my class originally are so out of control! I can't blame them though, they are the victims. Teachers were in and out, there weren't that much attention on them and the kids didn't have time to adjust. Now that I have them in the summmer, it's hard to educate them at the last minute before they head into Kindergarten. They do not seem ready. Little burdensome on me I figure.